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Showing posts from December, 2012

Life a Wonderful Twister

(In response to my Friend Chiru's Blog - Life is a Wonderful Twister. Dated 10/26/2010) Life  ... This 4 lettered word has the entire world woven around it. I always felt if there is anything at all as powerful as this word -  LIFE .  Every word you speak is related to this word directly or indirectly. Everything you see, feel, sense has the essence of  LIFE . Every minute we spend adds memories to the heart, experience to your mind,  people to your world, happiness/sadness/anger/ ecstasy/many more such feelings to your emotions.  We begin our  LIFE  with only 1 person in our world - Amma (Mother). We are born and we have 2 people in our world - Mom and Dad. Then we add Sisters, Brothers, Uncles, Aunts, Grandpas, Grandmas, teachers, friends, colleagues, girl friends, boy friends, husband, wife(husbands/wives in some cases), in laws, children, grandchildren and so on. Our world grows as we grow.  It's amazing the way  life  unwinds in front of you. It surprises

Memories, Dreams and Life!

On a lazy morning, I open the laptop, connect my hard disk, and start going through the photos that run up to 7-8 years back (that is when we started carrying Digi cam). Sometimes, I go into my old emails, finding old email conversation, and reading them through. Chat logs, where we friends used to get together on group chat and type crazy stuffs. Things like BDay or Farewell cards, souvenirs, some old movie tickets, bills etc... All these bring in a flood of memories back into our mind and heart. What I wonder is- Why? Why memories mean so much to us? Why whenever we talk to an old friend, we recall the times when we were together rather than sharing the current updates? Why does the present time always lose its charm in front of the past memories? What is it that makes Memories so precious for everyone? They are there everywhere, whenever your heart craves for some memory; anything around you will trigger one. The sunset, noodles, couple on bike, kids in park, smell of mud in