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Showing posts from September, 2018

Get Married..Or you might turn Gay?

I have an amazing bunch of friends; and my life has been a beautiful journey partly because of them. No doubt, they care for me and carry my best interests in their hearts. There are only a few of them, whom I have given the right and liberty to advise me. and not that I really listen to everything they have to say; I just hear them out. :) But this conversation has been the best so far I have had; it kind of still cracks me up. No offense to my friend; he is not an avid reader of my blog; so I don't think he will read this; but if ever he does; disclaimer - don't take it personally, I still love you my friend! I am single; and I know the world is moving at a faster pace; babies are born everywhere; kids are going to school in all parts of the world; all my friends and cousins are mommies and daddies; and I obviously am left far far behind in this race. Honestly, I can care less; or rather I haven't found time to worry about it yet. And this does worry people who lov

अनकही अनसुनी अनजान ..

अनकही बातें कुछ जो दबी रही मन में अनचाही अश्कों की दास्ताँ छिपी रही निगाहों में अनसुनी किस्से कईं उड़ते रहे तन्हाई में अनदेखी दुनिया ख़्वाबों का सजता रहा अंधेरे में अनछुई  एहसासों का गुच्छा कैद रह गया दिल के पिटारे में अनजान मंज़िल की तरफ बड़ रहा कदम ज़िन्दगी के आशियाने में - सरिता Dated- 20th May 2018

You like because..You love despite

I don't remember where I came across this phrase, but it does make perfect sense in our world. When you like something or someone, there is a reasoning behind it. But when you love anyone there is no true logic or reasoning. When the reasoning hits your relationship with loved ones; you try to justify it or just live with it. You love someone despite of all their flaws. Like they say everything is fair in love and war; or that love is blind. - Sarita Dated - 8/25/2018