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Showing posts from June, 2021

Privileged? Or Not?

Every now and then I hear the word “privileged” thrown around as an accusation; in various context; where it does not belong.  Being used so carelessly, that it no longer means what it was originally coined for in the dictionary. Makes me wonder what does being privileged mean to these conversationalists? Is it being financially secure?  Or being surrounded with a loving family? Or being unaffected by the political or societal adversities? Or being able to earn a livelihood? Or (the most popular these days) belonging to a particular race, colour, gender, religion, caste, class, nationality etc..etc..? Or even for simply being able to breathe?  Because these are exactly the subjects where people vividly paint the picture of the privileged. Just look around you. Billions of people, billions of dreams, billions of opportunities, billions of survivalists.  Either every one of them is privileged or no one is. You have to understand, privilege is not the same as (can’t find the right word, l

Why Be Wary?

Well, a disclaimer If my amma or sis reads this, they are going to tear me off the face of the globe right this second and pin me to the wall of our home back in my hometown. You will see why. But nevertheless, I had to share this for there are few things I can hardly contain, and this is one such incident. I have been rucking for over two months now, a 25lbs weight, pace of about 16 mins/mi, about 8 miles every day. Now with summer, some evenings are very pleasant. So I have gotten into the habit of carrying a flask of hot tea in my backpack and books. I have found couple of quiet spots in a park, and I sit there listening to classical music; oh yeah, I have for last 3 months now, gotten into listening to our old classics, Bach, Vivaldi, Listz, Mozart etc... Anyway, now that you have a snapshot of my routine, here’s what happened today. So it was a pleasant 19degC this evening, so I chose a late evening walk. Reached the park, picked my spot and sat on a stone, settling myself in, aro