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Showing posts from October, 2014


Having been into photography for some time now, there are quite a few websites that have helped me get details about various aspects of photography. I am a self-learner, I am not part of any photography clubs or attend classes or workshops, but I spend a lot of time reading websites, blogs etc… on internet, getting to know people’s experiences and that’s how I learn. Whether it is which camera to buy or how to shoot a levitation photo – it’s all right there in front of you; just Google it . Below are list of intriguing questions that I had, and these are just what I have tried to learn based on my interests and is just a drop of information in the mighty ocean of photography. Well, I have been using my camera – Canon EOS Rebel T3i with Canon EF-S 15-85mm f/3.5-5.6 IS USM UD Standard Zoom Lens and Canon EF-S 55-250mm f/4.0-5.6 IS II Telephoto Zoom Lens; trying new stuffs for over 2 years now; and I am just a beginner . There is so much to learn, so much to understand during a

ज़ख्मों की कहानी !

आँखें रोये पर आंसू मुस्कुराये दर्द होंटों तक पहुँचते ही दबी सी मुस्कान बन गए धड़कनो में छिपी सिस्कियों  कि गूंज किसीको ना कभी सुनाई दिया ना दिखायी! वक़्त हर ज़ख्म को भरता चला गया पर सभी गावों के निशाँ पीछे छोड़ गया यादों के हर बरसात में ये निशान भीगे और ऐसे ताज़ा हुए कि कभी ना भुलाये गए। डर इन ज़ख्मों का नहीं हमें ना ही इन निशानों का और ना ही के  कभी ये नासूर बन जायेंगे... फ़िक्र है हमें तो इस बावरे मन्न का जो कभी ये न समझ पाया कि आखिर वो किन ज़ख्मों पर मरहम लगाये और किन्हे भूलके आगे बढ़ चले। ये ज़ख्म बोलते नहीं है, ना ही शोर मचाते है पर यूँही अपनी चुप्पी से हमेशा एहसास दिलाते है कि कभी वो ज़िन्दगी के  खूबसूरत लम्हे थे जो आज बस दिल के एक कोने में छिपी अनचाही सी चोट। नफरत नहीं हमें इन ज़ख्मों से आखिर इनका इसमें क्या दोष कि सपनों के दर्पण टूटते चले गए और शीशों के टुकड़े दिल में चुभे रेह गए॥ शायद ये ज़ख्म भी इंतज़ार कर रहे है कि कब दिल के दरवाज़े खुलेंगे और कब ये आज़ाद परिंदे से उड़ जायेंगे इस घुटन से दूर सुकून की दुनिया में ॥ -सरिता  -Dated १५ Jan २०१४ 

Solo Tour - Enjoy the Solitude!

Last year, a colleague of mine quit the job for personal reasons. When asked, what he was going to do, he said that he took a year’s break to go out on a world tour. I was pleasantly surprised needless to mention the jealousy factor. I thought he was going with his friends, he said “ No. I am going alone .” And again I was like…ohhh what a dream to live  :) But then I tried telling to myself, he is an American, it’s possible for them to travel alone, live for themselves etc... How difficult it would be for us Indians to think of something like this. We always have some or the other responsibility on our shoulders. It's not just that, it's the mentality we are brought up with. We are always taught to save for the rainy day . Not to spend a lot on things those are unnecessary. Things that you can live without need not be bothered about. Couple of days back, I noticed a friend of mine posting few pictures from her Euro trip. I did not pay much attention until I came acro