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Showing posts from May, 2021

And you judge?

Who are you to pass a judgement on the conflicts you have no true insight to? You, who carry a justification up your sleeve for every action of your life; You, who pretend to understand the pain of the sufferers having yourself never been touched by such adversity; You, who act like the one who has never faulted; You, who are so keen to sympathize the present without even attempting to understand the past that lead to this; You, who oh so confidently determine who the criminal is without ever knowing the true nature of the crime; You, who think it’s an unpardonable offence to not take a stand on every ill proceedings of this world and feel obligated to form rushed opinions; You, who think of yourself an idealist but whose ideas are so heavily influenced that you aren’t able to discern the facts from fiction; You, who fancy that by voicing your opinions in-line with the most favoured, you have gained a right to speak over the matter; You, who taunt the ones who don’t take part in your r


  “Ghosting  — end a personal relationship with (someone) suddenly and without explanation withdrawing from all communication.” Hah!! Go figure! There’s an actual definition for what we face more often than we think.  I had heard the word “Ghosted” in casual conversations before, but I never thought of it in a serious context. I was intrigued. So I did some research. And found more to it. In summary, it’s known to have serious psychological effects. A bunch of studies out there if you want to read up. Having been “ghosted” quite a number of times until fairly recently, I now see how what I felt could be a pretty serious emotional phase for a lot of people.  Like the researchers stated - The worst aspect of  ghosting  is that it not only makes people question the quality of the relationship but it will most likely make them question themselves. If you ghost someone who has low self-esteem, they will probably take the blame on themselves and receive yet another blow to their self-confide