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Showing posts from July, 2015

अश्कों का काफिला ||

बातें वो जो रह गयी थी अधूरी  वक़्त की सिलवटों में खो गये थे जो कभी  ज़ुबाँ पे आज फिर आये वो किस्से अनसुनी  लफ़्ज़ खर्च होते रहे तन्हाई में आज भी ... पल्कों पे जो एक बूंद आके रुकी थी  गालों पे गिरे बारिश की बूंदों से मिल गयी यूँही  बरसते बादल में दिल भीगा ऐसे की  ज़ख्मों की गलियों से गुज़रा अश्कों का काफिला यूँही ... - सरिता  Dated - 23rd July 2015

Handicapped by Our Limited Thinking!

I was in Old Colorado City downtown last weekend, and had stopped by Starbucks for morning refreshment. While I was sitting there and looking around observing folks in the room (my favorite time pass), my eyes fell on a cyclist (biker) sitting at the other end of the hallway. He caught my attention. He probably was in his late 50s. Lean built, in his cycling gear enjoying his coffee. And I was captivated by him.  That's when I closely looked at the bike that was leaning against the wall right in front of me. I smiled with respect for that person. His right arm was amputated from the wrist and right leg from a little above his knee. His bike was customized to have only one handlebar and one pedal. On the right of the bike there was one cushion near the seat where he could rest his amputated leg; and another next to handlebar where he could rest his arm. I looked back at him keenly. He was stirring his coffee with left hand, and moving around on the rolling chair towards the win

बेज़ुबान परछाई..

अपनी परछाई से पूछते रहे हम  आखिर कब खो दिया हमने खुद को  तुम तो साथ ही चलते हो हमेशा  फिर क्यों इत्तला नहीं किया हमे  दुनिया से मुतास्सिर हुए है इतने  कि बेरंग सी हो गयी है ज़िन्दगी   लोगों की झूठी उम्मीदों पे खरा उतरते उतरते  खुद से ही दूर होते चले गए हम  अगर ये ज़िन्दगी मेरी है और ये मौत भी  तो भला क्यों मैं मर मर के जियूं दुनिया कि तसल्ली के लिए क्यूँ उस राह पे चलूँ  जहाँ परछाई भी मेरा साथ छोड़ दे  ना होते तुम बेज़ुबान इस कदर  तो शायद ना होते हम गुमराह इस क़दर मेरे परछाई चलो फिर से साथ मेरे  मेरी आवाज़ बनकर, मेरी पेहचान बनकर || -सरिता  Dated - 8th July 2015

When Dreams Unravel...

I wake up at 6 AM on a Sunday morning, lift my phone to switch off the alarm. And then I see a bunch of notification from Whatsapp, Linkedin & Facebook. One notification catches my eye and I quickly browse through Facebook; and Voila; I am wide awake. I got up, freshened up, put on my headset, played Linkin Park and set off to jog in the nearby park. My mind started rolling the days back by an year. Last year, July, I get an email from this friend saying he is finally quitting his job to chase his dreams. He was like he will not join back until he doesn't have even a single penny left in his pocket. It always is a big decision for anyone of us, to leave something that's paying for our bread and butter for something unknown. And when the person has a family to support, the risk just increases exponentially. I was happily surprised back then. I just have 2 friends who are restless as I am, when it comes to life as-is. I understand the feeling when they say, that's i