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Showing posts from April, 2019

Combat with Mosquitoes in Delhi Airport - 15 Dead

Yeah, if I owned a news channel or newspaper; then headlines today would read exactly like this. I was in transit in Delhi Indira Gandhi Airport and I had to wait for 4 hours; and trust me it was hell. It’s been ages since I have actually fought with mosquitoes, so for a bit I felt I might lose the battle with them.  In my childhood days, during rainy season, it was a time pass for us kids, clapping hands trying to kill mosquitoes. As disgusting as it may seem; back then it definitely was a fun filled activity. It’s been over couple of decades now that I have actually dealt with such an army of healthy & fit mosquitoes. I spent first hour trying to be civilized; just shooing them away; but then I had had enough. I went from defence to offence. Within the next hour I killed roughly 15 mosquitoes;  captured in my closed fist more than 10 mosquitoes and released these war prisoners safely alive. Honestly even today, it kind of gives a sense of accomplishment to accurately and preci

Nature - The Best Artist!

Like they say there is no better painter than nature and no better canvas than universe. The creativity you see in nature, is ... I don't have one word to describe it, it is simply  out of my imagination. Of course, some of the best moments in life are always captured in one’s memory; not in the camera. So naturally, I do not have pictures for most of these moments :) 1. Just imagine this, you are standing on a cliff of a mountain at approximately 9000 ft elevation, down the valley there is a river making its way through boulders, in front of you there are huge snow clad mountains filled with pine trees at the base; on your left the sun is rising, on your right you can still see the huge moon very clearly, and then out of no where a flock of about 50 tiny birds fly out from under the valley, hover above your head, making a circle and fly away. This happened with me on Har ki Dun (Himalayas) trek. And seeing so many elements of nature in action, I was awestruck. 2. I am

Fixing the Past!

It’s good to fix the past. 10 years back if anyone told me that past could be fixed; relationships mended; people forgiven; I would just scoff. But now; I know better. End of the day, our goal to move on in life is so important; that everything else around it blurs out. You learn to make peace with the past. Life comes a full circle; they say what goes around comes around (yeah the karma bitch). And it really does. Life teaches you to see things in various perspectives; well whether you choose to learn from it or not; it’s your choice. And my advice (well I hate giving one as much as I hate taking one; so let’s just say my two cents); choose to learn; it will make life a little easier for you. Brooding over the past, cropping up old emotions doesn’t really help. And truly it’s not about forgiving others; it’s about forgiving and accepting yourself. Piling up old emotions; is like leaving water in a stagnant pond. It starts to collect and eventually stink. They need to be flushed fre