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Showing posts from March, 2015

I choose to remain silent...

Silence is Golden - so goes an old saying. But considering someone's silence as their weakness is the most foolish thing to do. If one comes to your house and barks at you; and you choose to ignore; that does not always mean you were scared to react. It takes a lot more courage to  remain calm throughout someones nonsense than   it takes to  react. When a dog barks at you, you can shoo it away by throwing a stone at it. But when someone close or related to you starts talking nonsense at your face you choose to remain silent out of respect for the relations you share or love towards that person. The person in front of you should be such a fool to lack basic common sense for not only acting in such a pathetic manner but also for not understanding the difference between silence and cowardice. A brave and sensible person always keeps their cool and waits for the right opportunity to react. We don't absorb negative thoughts or someones nonsense when there are better things t

Marriage - an Over rated Relationship!

Every other person in this world no matter where they belong to are scared of definitely one thing - Marriage.  We have Love vs Arranged marriage. Love marriages also have commitment issues, but its manageable and far better than Arranged marriages since the groom & bride know each other well enough to discuss and resolve issues. But even otherwise, why  is marriage so overrated? Why is a commitment to husband or wife seem life threatening? I mean we go out of our ways to help our friends, and there's absolutely no reservations there. Why cant marriage be kept as simple as that? The reason why there is so much of involvement and hype around it, is why the things go worse than imagined for most of us. I mean, there is a slight misunderstanding, and the whole world stands in front of you giving you free counselling. As if you are a 10 year old child with no knowledge of how to deal with people;or whats good or bad; or how you want your life to be. Why; between friends don

Happy Birthday Papa!!!

This is my Dad's second BDay after he passed away. Sitting here in the Mumbai airport waiting for my domestic connecting flight to Mangalore, I remember that day on 17th August 2013 when I was in Bangalore waiting for the same connecting flight to Mangalore. But that wait was the longest wait of my life. All those memories rushed back into my mind as I sit here and write this blog.  The security guard questioned me that the flight is in the morning, why are you coming so early. And I said thats because I just got off from an international flight and I have to take this flight to get home. Same question was asked in Banglore on that day as well. And I remember, during the entire 20 hr journey I did not have anyone talk to me, and this was the first person to stop me and question or talk. And I had broke down in front of him. I was trembling with tears in my eyes and with choking voice I told Please let me in, my Dad has passed away and I have to get home at the earliest, I need to

10 Things You do after You Lose Someone You Loved!

What happens when your loved ones leave this world and you are left behind to live rest of your life without them? Like I mentioned in my earlier posts, I did not know how it would feel to not have my dad around for rest of my life. But here’s a list of things that I have experienced since I lost my dad to an accident. 1.    Your heart cringes when they are referred in Past Tense.  We are so used to talking about them that we often realize at the end of the conversation that we are still using Present tense for them. I for some reason have not been still able to put myself into the habit of using past tense for my dad. But often during the conversation; I make the statements and then at the end of it correct it saying "he  used to  say that; but no longer does". 2.  Remembering them in every good and bad moment becomes a habit. We obviously cannot forget them; after all they have been part of our lives. But I think a sort of guilt also creeps in when we

यादों की रंजिश शायद ...

आज फिर दिल गुज़रा यादों की गलियों से  ज़रा सी दस्तबरदारी का एहसास हुआ था इन्हें शायद   इसलिए ज़ेहन में इनका ज़िक्र आज हुआ फिर से  चंद लम्हों की ख्वाहिश हमसे अभ भी इन्हे है शायद ... अश्कों के ज़ुबान नहीं होते कौन कहता है  अगर गौर करें तो ज़िन्दगी की दास्ताँ सुना दे शायद  ख़ामोशी शोर नहीं मचाती कौन कहता है  अगर ध्यान दे तो इनकी चीकों में दिल का आलम महसूस हो शायद ... दिल के दरीचे से झांक के देखो तो  ख्वाबों के टुकड़े नज़र आएंगे शायद  क्या हुआ अगर ज़िन्दगी का मंज़र आज है हसीं तो  बीते किस्सों के रंजिश आज भी ताज़ा है कहीं शायद ... अगर वक़्त भुला पाता हर वो एहसास ए गम  तो कोई फिर यादों का इख्तेयार ही ना करता शायद  हकीकत की मक़बूलियत से अगर होता दर्द कुछ कम   तो होते ना इतने शायर ना होती ग़ज़लों की मेहफिल शायद ... - सरिता  ३ मार्च २०१५ 

Zindagi Gulzar Hai - A feast to ones eyes!

Today I am here to make a much interesting comparison of our current Indian TV industry with our neighboring country’s television industry. Interesting because I never thought I would ever engage in watching any of the Pakistan TV series/movies or listening to their music. My disinterest in Pakistan entertainment was not because of the tensed relationship with the country. But I myself am not a big fan of TV serials. The kind of drama that is filled in Indian TV Channels today is just exhausting and tiring to watch. I hardly follow any Indian TV series. When I visit home on vacation, I join my family in watching the program they watch and that’s how I keep myself updated with what is trending in the TV industry. I love listening to music and I listen to all genres of music. I did start listening to Pakistani music since last few years and have admired their music. Strings, Fuzon,  Kaavish, Jal, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, Ghulam Ali, Parveen Abida, Quratulain Baloch and many more