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Showing posts from July, 2019

What kind of painting is your life?

I resumed painting after 4 months of break - with all the travels and hikes; then catching up with work etc.; and I realized that my life (may be everyone's life too, but anywhoo); is so much like these paintings. My paintings almost always never turn out as I picture them. So with time, I have learnt to just have a bare skeleton in my mind of what I want to paint while the style of painting, colour, medium of painting- everything just falls in place as I start painting; and it ends up as beautiful as it can be.  My life has been no different. I don’t plan my future, almost always never goes as planned, so it's been over a decade that I stopped planning. I just have a bare roadmap of may be 2-3 weeks, and things fall in place eventually; and yeah, almost always life turns out to be very colourful and happening.  Another co-relation, I generally do abstract painting; and when you see the final painting it looks like it’s very chaotic or that I have random strokes all over

Where art thou? Thy trail is waiting!

Been a while. And am growing restless day by day.  For once, am missing that one companion, one person in my life; whom I could drag into my craziness happily. I just need that one friend who shares my interest in hiking - badly need a hiking partner. I have been sketching so many plans in my head, scrounging blogs by through hikers around the world. It’s not a one day or one week hike. I have been itching to do a through hike - GHT, PCT, AT, GPT, CDT,  Tokai, Wales coast path, Sentiero Italia etc.. etc.. Thousands of miles that will take months on trail in wilderness. There are folks hiking for years at a stretch - (check out Bethany Hughes and Lauren Reed at Her-Odyssey covering America to America 20000 miles in 5 years, starting 2015 - still going strong) - I badly want to do something like that. But I can’t think of doing any of those alone. At times I feel I will make friends along the way, will meet people as I hike, so I should be fine. But I enjoy company of people as mu