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Showing posts from June, 2013

Feminism, Indian Society and Liberty - Why can't they walk together?

I read an article today; “Taking the aggression out of masculinity” printed in The Hindu; Jan 3 rd  2013; OP-ED section. The writer had done a great job listing out areas that outlines masculinity in our society. I know it’s an old article; I was going through the editorials of this year in preparation for the IAS exams. So what made me start typing out this write-up? I am getting to that. This article was in response to a dreadful event that shook our country early this year – rape and death of a young woman in Delhi. The author of above mentioned article has done a beautiful job of giving a complete different perspective of finding the cause instead of commenting on the cure. Personally, such events disturb me, to an extent that I get an intense feeling of vomiting when I read or hear such things. A disgusting feeling; A feeling of helplessness; which I cannot express. But I am not here to talk about this event, I probably am not strong enough to visualize such event and comm