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Showing posts from June, 2015

Music is Stairway to Heaven...

MUSIC  -  I am sure each one of us like music, some like to listen particular genre of music, some like to listen only during particular occasion, some people like me – just love to listen to it every minute in a day. My ears are always plugged whether I am in office, or in Gym or painting or travelling. Whenever I am not with someone, I am with music . Music is an important part of a culture, nation, people and one’s way of life. Ancient Greek and Indian philosophers defined music as tones ordered horizontally as melodies and vertically as harmonies. Common sayings such as "the harmony of the spheres" and "it is music to my ears" point to the notion that music is often ordered and pleasant to listen to. By the way, why am I here again? Why did I start with this topic? Its 1:20 PM MST on a Wednesday and I am in my office working with music on and this song starts playing “ Pyar humein kis mod pe le aaya, ke dil kare haye... ”. My face lightens up with a mi

Happy Father's Day!!!

From the time I started knowing people, one person that I always looked up to was my Dad. A person who believed I could move the world. A person who believed that I could do much more than what I would say I could. He might not be the perfect person. He surely would have done his share of mistakes and learnt from it. But as a father, he defined masculinity for me.  He made me realize that masculinity was not a gender . It's a behavior, an act, a character that he wanted me to absorb as well. He taught me to be the man of the house - To be brave, to face challenges of life alone, not to entrust my future in other's hands. He gave me freedom to make decisions of my life, to make my own mistakes and learn from it. He made me feel that to run a family, to live one's life, you really don't need a MAN. Having someone beside you is always a blessing; but never make that the necessity of life. There was absolutely nothing that I could not do just because I was a girl.  He ha

नहीं ऐसी मेरी ज़िंदगी!!

Busy Life!! - Statue in Vail, CO. ज़िंदगी के दौड़ में कहीं पीछे ना छूट जाये  इस डर से भागते रेह्ते हैं सभी  मुझसे केहते है मैं भी जुड़ जाऊं इनके साथ  पर ये नहीं मेरा दौड़, ये नहीं मेरी ज़िंदगी।। कैसे मुम्किन है कि सबकी ज़िंदगी एक सा हो  कैसे ज़माना लिखता है नियम एक सा  कैसे भीड़ में खो जाने की सीख देते है  नहीं बनना मुझे भीड़ का हिस्सा, नहीं ऐसी मेरी ज़िंदगी ।। किसी के शौक के लिए नहीं मरना मुझे  नहीं अपने अरमानो का गला घोंट कर मुस्कुराना  किसी और के वक़्त का डायरा नहीं तय करेगा मेरी मंज़िल  नहीं वो मेरा मकाम, नहीं वो मेरी ज़िन्दगी।। चुनना है मुझे अपना रास्ता ज़िन्दगी के हर दोराहे पर  सीखना है मुझे अपनी गलतियों से  तजुर्बा होगा मेरा अपनी ज़िन्दगी से ना कि किसी और के ऐसे बढ़ेंगे मेरे कदम, होगी ऐसी मेरी ज़िंदगी ।। -सरिता  दिनांक -११ जून २०१५.