He made me realize that masculinity was not a gender. It's a behavior, an act, a character that he wanted me to absorb as well. He taught me to be the man of the house - To be brave, to face challenges of life alone, not to entrust my future in other's hands. He gave me freedom to make decisions of my life, to make my own mistakes and learn from it. He made me feel that to run a family, to live one's life, you really don't need a MAN. Having someone beside you is always a blessing; but never make that the necessity of life. There was absolutely nothing that I could not do just because I was a girl. He has set very high standards for men in my view.
For me he is a perfect definition of masculinity. And I am lucky to be his princess. Happy Father's day dearest Papa!! I have and will always love you!
Dated: 21st June 2015
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