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Showing posts from February, 2014

(Forced) Rules of Friendship!!!!

We have all grown up listening to the statements “ Man is a social animal ”, “ No man is an island ” etc… True to the saying; we have all spent our lives with family, friends, relatives, colleagues etc… The kind of company we keep has always been pried on by everyone who cares for us. As kids, we are kept away from “Bad” company. As we grow and start choosing our own friends/company, we are advised over and over and over to stay away from “Bad” company. Your parents will leave no stone unturned to show how much they hate "That One" friend of yours, whom you respect or like to hang out with. How “That” friend of yours is not of your kind; how he/she will ruin your life; how he/she has an ulterior motive to DESTROY you. And am sure all of you would have screamed,  SERIOUSLY Mom/Dad? Oh wait; if you have opposite sex as your friend, you are screwed big time boss! You are definitely on the schedule for the dose of daily drill. “ All boys are out there to cheat you ”, “ ...