I walked down the street, with wind blowing up my face and my head feeling kind of light. For the first time I could feel the breeze on the back of my neck; and I loved it. My friend had come to pick me up, and he said " Not bad ". I went home and my roommate took a few seconds to react. She said, " It's Okay ". After almost 15 minutes, she said " You know, I am kind of getting used to it now. It looks fine. You carry it well ". And everyone I met afterwards had a reaction; " Why in world did you do it? ", " It's you, so it's okay. For someone else, it would be so horrible ", " You ruined it ", " You look like a school going girl " etc... etc... I still remember my friends reaction when I told 2 months back that I wanted to do it. No one was for it, everyone tried to convince me against that thought. Okay, alright, so much for all the suspense. What did I do? I got a Haircut . Yeah right. It...
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